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Pain-Free Dentistry In

2530 Cameo Dr, Cameron Park, CA 95682

Placerville, CA Dental Implants

Dental implants in Placerville, CA are a trendy choice for people that suffer from severe oral health issues.

By replacing your natural teeth, they can help you live life normally again. Depending on your current situation, we may recommend dentures instead of implants. That said, advances in dentistry allow us to recommend implants to more patients than ever before.

Wondering why we recommend implants to so many patients in our Placerville office? Learn about the many advantages they offer patients. We’ll also explain why so many people choose Forest Ridge Dental Group to help them restore their teeth and their smile.

Placerville, CA Dental Implants

Consume Your Favorite Food

Dental implants allows you to eat all the food you enjoy. You don´t need to restrict your diet and can easily eat those chips you love.

Thanks to the advanced ceramic restoration of dental implants, you can enjoy everything! Foods that are hard to swallow, from steak to sandwiches, will not be a problem.

While we recommend against chewing ice, this can also cause problems for your natural teeth.

Enjoy A Beautiful Smile

The main benefit of dental implants is that they are pretty and indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Once you have dental implants, you can confidently smile, speak, laugh, and enjoy going out with friends without feeling self-conscious.

Your Lifestyle Won´t be Affected

Dental implants will fit perfectly into your active life. You will feel excellent enough to get up and do your activities whenever possible even though you must follow your dentist’s suggestion to maintain proper care of implants.

Speak Normally and With Ease

Missing teeth, and even some tooth replacement options, can alter your ability to pronounce words correctly. But dental implants feel and function just like natural teeth, so you will be able to speak naturally and correctly.

Look Younger and More Radiant

When we’re missing one or more teeth, we can develop wrinkles and drooping skin around our mouth, neck, and chin. This can make you look older than you are when your cheekbones grow less prominent. For this reason, it is fundamental to have tooth replacement and gain healthy and functional teeth.

After losing a tooth, you may feel uncomfortable talking with friends and family because you’re self-conscious about the gap. This is one of the many reasons why missing a tooth can create a huge negative impact on your life. Receiving a dental implant helps you restore that lost self-esteem and confidence.

Are You Looking for Dental Implants in Placerville, CA?

Don´t let tooth loss issue affect your life. Get dental implants in Placerville, CA. Our dentists are proud to say that this service has changed the lives of many patients.

Even if you don’t have sufficient jawbone density, dentistry is now advanced enough that we can help you become a better candidate for the procedure.

To determine if you are a potential candidate for dental implants, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here for you!