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2530 Cameo Dr, Cameron Park, CA 95682

Dental Visits Should Begin by Age 1

Dental Visits Should Begin by Age 1 For Good Oral Health & Hygiene

Dental Visits Should Begin By Age 1

One of the best things you can do for your child’s oral health is to make sure they visit a dentist by their first birthday or after their first tooth appears.

It’s easy to see why parents put off this important dental visit. Many people mistakenly believe that there’s no need to start dental care at such a young age, especially if no teeth are visible.

Another myth is that baby teeth aren’t important because they eventually fall out.

The truth is that good oral hygiene should begin early on because dental problems can potentially affect your baby’s nutrition and speech development.

Additionally, an early visit to the dentist can make future visits much easier. The sooner a child gets used to seeing the dentist, the more relaxed they will be when they return for their next checkup.

Make sure you schedule your child’s first visit during the part of the day when they’re well-rested.

Try to stay relaxed when you come to the office to help keep your child calm.

You should also refrain from giving your baby any snacks before their appointment because it can make it harder to check their teeth.

Wipe Your Baby’s Gums

You don’t have to wait for the first tooth to appear to start taking care of your baby’s oral health.

We recommend you wipe the gums with a soft cloth after they eat and before bedtime.

Baby Teeth Need Brushing

Once their first tooth appears, you should brush your baby’s tooth twice a day.

Make sure to only use a tiny bit of toothpaste – just a smear the size of a grain of rice is plenty.

Ask your dentist how old your child should be before using fluoride toothpaste to clean their teeth. There are many different kinds of toothpaste available for children.

If you’re not sure which kind to buy, please let us know. We’re happy to give you some guidance. You should also talk to your dentist about putting fluoride varnish on your baby’s tooth after it appears.

Protect the Baby Teeth

Here are four reasons you should help protect your child’s primary teeth:

  • Healthy teeth help children get the nutrition they need. If your baby or toddler has a cavity, it can be painful and discourage them from eating.
  • Your child needs their teeth to help their speech development. Some of the speech sounds that toddlers learn to make involve their baby teeth.
  • Baby teeth help save space in the mouth for permanent teeth.
  • Feeling good about the way their smile looks helps a child’s self-esteem. If a child has tooth decay or missing teeth, it can make them self-conscious about smiling.

Is it time to schedule your baby’s first dental appointment? Call (530) 676-9999 to schedule an appointment.