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What Are the Different Types of Teeth? 

Your teeth play a significant role in your life outside of just giving you a beautiful smile. They also help you chew your food and help you pronounce words. If you care about your teeth, you’ll want to stay on top of your oral hygiene routine and set your regular appointments with the El Dorado Hills dentist.  

woman smiling happily after seeing her el dorado hills dentist

A Closer Look at the Different Types of Teeth

Did you know that human teeth come in different types? Your jawbone has a specific number of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. While four incisors are in the front and center, a canine flanks them on each side.  

Moreover, two premolars sit next to each canine, and next to the premolars are three molars. Most people grow two back molars, or wisdom teeth, on each jaw between the ages of 17 and 25. When the back of the mouth doesn’t have enough room for the wisdom teeth to emerge, they get stuck below the surface of the gums or grow at an odd angle. In such cases, dentists recommend extraction to prevent these teeth from causing complications.  


In most cases, the incisors are the first teeth that emerge, with the primary incisors coming in at six months of age. A permanent set of incisors replaces them between six and eight years. 

Most adults have two upper incisors and two lower ones. These thin and sharp teeth are the most visible in the front of your mouth. Besides supporting your lips and helping you articulate the words you speak, your incisors are responsible for taking bites out of your food.  


Your cuspids or canines resemble a dog’s fangs because they’re the slightly pointed teeth found on each side of your incisors. Some people also refer to canines or “eye teeth” because they’re situated directly below the eye sockets. Since your canines are the sharpest teeth in your mouth, their main job is to make your food easier to digest by ripping and tearing them apart. 


Your two upper and two lower premolars or bicuspids emerge between the canines and the molars in the back of your mouth. They’re considered transitional teeth because they guide food from your canines to your molars for chewing.  


On each side of your upper and lower jaw lies three molars with four to five cusps each. Since these are the largest and flattest teeth, they’re mainly responsible for the bulk of the chewing and grinding of food. Moreover, your molars can handle the constant force of masticating soft and hard items because they’re well-anchored into your jawbone. 

Wisdom Teeth

The last set of permanent teeth is the third molars or wisdom teeth. However, some people never end up having them at all. Since these teeth usually cause overcrowding and misalignment issues, most patients have them removed. 

woman with a magnifying glass on her mouth to show the work of her el dorado hills dentist

Looking for an El Dorado Hills Dentist?

At Forest Ridge Dental Group, we have your best interests in mind. Besides ensuring that your dental experience is exceptional, we’ll go above and beyond to give you the smile you want while working with you and your budget to make it possible. 

Our state-of-the-art facility and outstanding service ensure the finest dental care in a comfortable and soothing atmosphere. We invite you and your family to become a part of our family of patients. Call now to make an appointment.